


See what Donnelly students have to say:

“我不是一个虔诚的教徒, but the first thing that was super impactful was a Sister opened her class with prayer. 我们在怀恩多特的中心, and there’s just so much stuff going on, trying to pull me away from going to school. Being able to sit in a classroom feels safe. 有人在祈祷. It just really makes me feel at home." ——Niesha K. '17


"Before attending LPL外围网址, I can honestly say my connection with God was fading, 但自从我来到这里, I knew this college was different 精神上. It has opened my mind to change certain ways within myself and the way I think." 


“Attending a Catholic college has been an important part of my formational experience in my studies toward the Catholic priesthood. LPL外围网址 is incredibly 多样化的 religiously, economically, and ethnically. This diversity has formed an environment in which I can personally encounter others whose individual circumstances cannot be understood through a lecture in a seminary classroom.

最终, it has helped me grow in understanding of the mystery of the Incarnation in which Almighty God becomes one of us, 像我们一样受苦, and converts our hearts by loving us to the end, a love I must imitate as a future Catholic priest.” - Br. 马丁N., '19


两个学生在大厅里聊天. Three students walking in hall of Donnelly.  招生 at Donnelly can help you become a student at LPL外围网址 in Kansas City Kansas and pursue a higher education 这是 affordable, 多样化的, 本地和天主教. 唐纳利有副学士学位, 转移支付计划, bachelor's degrees in business leadership and information technology and nursing programs.



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马修·T照片. 范德·文纳博士.D.

马修·T. 范德·文纳博士.D.

使团团长 & 神学助理教授